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February 12, 2008


Pat Twomey

Nigel,I'm still unclear about the status of Significant Form. Bell seems to suggest that there is a state of mind ('aesthetic emotion')to be acheived as proof of the authenticity of the Art work. But who is to 'authenticate' these internal states? Unless we can relate them to external criteria, we may just as well say 'I know what I like'

Nigel Warburton

Hi Pat,
Thanks for this comment.

You are right to worry about this. It is a legitimate criticism of Bell's theory that it doesn't provide any independent means of recognising either a work of art or the aesthetic emotion. There is a degree of subjectivity, he admits, in his approach.

I've written about this in Chapter One of my book The Art Question.

Best wishes,

Online Yoga Guide

Now a days, its difficult to judge the state of mind of people. The way they are behaving, depends on their mood. It may be at normal life or at work place.

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