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« Thomas Pogge on Global Justice and Health | Main | Jerrold Levinson on Music an Eros »

February 07, 2010


Peyton Ferrier

You state: "Baseball may be popular in America, but the sport has really taken hold in many other countries in the world." I disagree. Baseball is very popular throughout large portions of Central America, South America, the Carribean and East Asia. It is probably more popular in Cuba, the Dominican Republic, and Japan (the second largest economy in the world) than it is in the U.S. These countries and China, Taiwan, Puerto Rico, Venezuela and Mexico all have professional leagues independent of Major League Baseball which represents both the U.S. and Canada.


Absolutely fascinating talk! I did not see the full implication of Rorty's version of pragmatism to that extent, and it does indeed paint a picture of human knowledge that is rather bleak and even dead.

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