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« Liane Young on Mind and Morality | Main | Tim Bayne on the Unity of Consciousness »

November 09, 2012


Bevan Sieber

Ah, the self. its the direct apprehension that u are. the 'how it feels' to 'be'. its the colour of colour. i am my vision and my thought and my emotion. all of these change, and shift, and waver. its not an enduring thing. no substance, substance is what fills it. but its always there. the endurig thing is, as you say, the character. the role that we play. a set of ideas fromed by memory of experiences.

we can mean differant things by 'the self'. 1, there is the ego(?), a rational construct, or character, somthing of this sort. 2, there is the organism, the biological creature, one of the things it does is to think, it also senses. and this creates the former. 3, the full saturation of the experience itself, the 'happening' of it, the one that cant be 'intelagbly explained'.

i recomend hearing these peoples points of view.
Allan watts
Ken Wilber
Jiddu Krishnamurti


Thanks for a stimulating podcast. I used it as a subject for a blog post. Here is the URL if you allow that sort of thing to be posted here:


the self is according to soren kierkegaard, a combination of structures, the infinite and the finite. the self is a synthesis of the now and the later.

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