I just stumbled across a very interesting interview with Peter Singer on Ethics (streamed in Real Audio). First broadcast in October 2000 on Boston public radio, it is one hour long, and includes a phone-in (though most of it consists of a discussion between the presenter and Singer. The questions on the phone-in are very good, anyway, and elicit some good responses). Singer discusses his views on what ethics is, how we should treat animals, killing and letting die, relativism, and so on. Singer speaks with admirable clarity and consistency throughout. He manages to take the debate to quite a high level without resorting to mere allusion or obscure language. This is an excellent introduction to Singer's consequentialist approach. Like John Stuart Mill (who was, for example, an early campaigner for birth control), Singer isn't content with mere intellectual debate, but wants to make the world better through his actions.
Peter Singer 'A Philosophical Self-Portrait'