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April 16, 2007


Mark Eli Kalderon

He owned the Hanson ball:


It was a gift of his sister. Histories of the typewriter that I have read suggest that he hated it, but I have only seen this reported, I have never seen the evidence for this claim. There are surviving typewritten documents:


In a letter to Paul Gast, Nietzsche writes: "Our writing tools are also working on our thoughts." If he really didn't like what he called the "schreibkugel", perhaps it was because he did not like what it was doing to his thoughts.



according to Stephan Günzel and Rüdiger Schmidt-Grépály, Nietzsche typed 15 letters, 1 postcard as well as 34 bulk sheets (including some poems and verdicts) with his 'Schreibkugel' from Malling Hansen in 1882.

I am sorry for having only found German resources... all his typewritings are collected here:


Stephan Günzel & Rüdiger Schmidt-Grépály (eds.): "Friedrich Nietzsche. Schreibmaschinentexte", 2. edition.
Weimar: Verlag der Bauhaus Universität 2002. ISBN: 3-86068-179-6

Jim Harrison

The English translation of Frederich Kittler's book Discourse Networks 1800/1900 includes a photo of a Schreibkugel, though I don't know if it is Nietzsche's typewriter (page 194). Kittler discusses how new technology of writing relates to Nietzsche's philosophy.

Tony D'Amato

By contrast, Marcel Proust used nothing but pen and shirt cuffs. This newly discovered fact throws considerable light on the controversy over the "missing" parts of "In Search of Lost Time." Did Proust omit these parts out of a fear that his novel was becoming too long? Or are their omissions a result of editorial zeal on the part of the proprietor of a dry-cleaning establishment in a Parisien arrondissement?

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