Public Ethics Radio, a new philosophy podcast, has just launched in Australia. It's also on iTunes. Only one episode is available so far, Thomas Pogge on persuading pharmaceutical companies that it could be in their interest to make drugs available to the poor. His plan is to introduce what he calls a Health Impact Fund to reward patenters of successful drugs in proportion to their success - but the catch is that to get their reward they have to undertake to distribute the drugs at cost price and give up their monopoly. It is difficult to assess what 'cost price' is in this context, though, given the nature of research that goes down cul-de-sacs etc. which presumably has to be funded from somewhere...Also I don't believe that any pharamaceutical giant would enter into this sort of arrangement voluntarily. But I hope I'm wrong.
The format of Public Ethics Radio is very similar to Philosophy BItes and Ethics Bites: each episode will consist of an interview with a philosopher on a particular topic. The first episode is 29 minutes long - so longer than our podcasts, and they're only posting one every three weeks at the moment. But worth keeping an eye on.
I'll write a proper review of this when there are half a dozen episodes available.